Saturday, November 24, 2012

Devotional Shopping

Let's talk about how I just thought it was Sunday.  What?! Mid week Holidays throw me off..

 I'm shopping for a new devotional.  I've gone through most of the ones I found interesting on my bible app, and I think I'm ready to find an actual hold in my hand, honest to goodness devotional that I can do at a set time every day.  Either in the morning, or at night.  I enjoyed the ones I did on my phone, but I would like one that gets me to "unplug" a bit.  I can do pretty much everything on my phone and that worries me.  I left my phone at home one day while at work and I freaked out!! I felt like I was missing my hand.

My faith is very important to me.  I try to live my life and be a light for others, but lately I'm craving something more.  I'm thinking a new devotional could be the answer?

So Lovelies... What devotionals are you reading? any favorites? Here are some I'm considering:

Jane Austen Devotional (because I'm mildly obsessed with Jane Austen)

Beth Moore's Breaking Free Day by Day

Then Sings My Soul

Max Lucado's Traveling Light


There are so many out there!! so really.. any recommendations?


  1. I love Beth Moore and have read a number of here's. my favorite is "it's not about me" by Max Lucado.

    1. I actually got a Beth Moore one! "Looking Up"!! I'm about a week into it and I'm in love!!


Thank you so much for taking time to comment!! Comments are like birthday presents to me so keep them coming!!! xoxoxo