Monday, December 31, 2012

12 in '12 Link Party!

Well Friends, We made it!! Another year older, another year wiser (I know I am).  I'm super excited to be hosting my first link party with one of my very best friends, Katelyn!!

So many times I catch myself being a Negative Nancy, so in an effort to be more positive here are 12 things I learned, I'm grateful for, 12 positive happy things to focus on ending 2012 on a positive note.

12. College.  I am so happy to be one year closer to finishing my degree!
11. Blogging.  I started this little  blog on a whim, and it's easily one of my very favorite past times.
10. Blog Friends. I look forward to reading the blog posts of all my blog friends every day!! Those who take the time to comment absolutely make my day!
9. Work. I don't always LOVE my job, specifically my boss, but I'm always thankful that I have one and that I have such amazing coworkers and members in my life.
8. I've started dating again.. I totally freak the eff out about it on an almost daily basis, but for someone who's been in serious relationships since the age of 14, it is scary and exciting!!
7. Health. Short of the flu, and a torn hamstring in the summer, I've had one of my healthiest years ever!! My immune system is getting better!!!
6. Alabama Football.  We are a week away from the National Championship Game!!! Roll Tide.  I realize it's sort of silly to be thankful/excited for football, but I'm a southern girl and I will not apologize for being a diehard football fan.
5. Exercise.  Working at a gym, it sometimes makes working out there sometimes the last thing I want to do, but I've been much more committed to exercise in 2012, and I'm looking forward to being even more active in 2013.
4. BooBooKitty.  My super cute kitty cat has been in my life for almost two years now.  I look forward to coming home everyday to kitty snuggles.
3. Divorce! I've already said a lot about this, but it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
2. Friends.  It was a pretty trying year, but I have made some fabulous new friends, reconnected with old ones, and given and gotten second chances with my amazing besties.
1. Family. I am forever grateful for my family.  They supported me while I made one of the hardest decisions of my life.  They never tried to sway me either way because they knew it was a decision that I had to make by myself.

Don't forget to grab our button and link up with Katelyn and I for this 12 in '12 link up!!



  1. Nothing wrong with being a die hard football fan - I'll admit, I teared up with happiness for the Dad who got the bowl game tickets as a Christmas present (if you haven't seen it, you must since you're a Tide fan).

    Have a great new year!

  2. Great post! I am so excited that both our blog are growning... it's been great getting to know ypu this year! I myself will be watching the UGA vs Nebraska game tomorrow! Ps thanks for stopping by my blog:)

  3. Totally enjoyed this list. :) May you find the person for you!! Great list of things to be grateful for.


Thank you so much for taking time to comment!! Comments are like birthday presents to me so keep them coming!!! xoxoxo